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19th Jan 2019
23rd Jan 2019
Untested, but finally finished. Please leave any suggestions in the comments, and have a nice day!


  • Nunnhem
    26th Apr 2019
    @nosomebodies well said
  • VIBR
    24th Jan 2019
    time to kill this with virus again
  • nosomebodies
    21st Jan 2019
    NuclearBaby: almost all elements are vulnerable to: [list incoming] SING AMTR DEST BOMB WARP VIRS(VRSG,VRSS) CONV ACID CAUS DRAY CRAY. HEAC is not a exception for any of the above except ACID and CAUS afaik, and it is also destroyable with LIGH (actually it checks for either LIGH or LAVA<HEAC> to melt, so you can embed LAVA<HEAC> in a bomb if you consider LIGH cheaty)
  • NuclearBaby
    19th Jan 2019
    Well HEAC cannot be melted or blasted. So the only solution is to find a reaction which can produce SING or Antimatter