war thunder is better than WoT in almost every imaginable way lol
it looks like x ray from war thunder (don't kill me for playing wt not wot)
that is more fair, its just that in best tank arguments the main entries are usually the 76mm M4, T-34-85 and the Panther
I would say the late war M4 shermans
i just compare it to a panther because that is the comparison that i see come up alot when talking about the best tank WW2
Its a quantity over quality tank. I wouldnt compare it to the panther, as thats much more modern and over engineered, but yeah. The first half thousand with L-11 guns were also lacking anti armour ability.
debatable, while a strategically brilliant idea due to its low cost the T-34 was very low quality in many areas. Notably, they lacked turret baskets, heating and in some cases even gun optics. They were designed to break down within a few months, and the frontal armour plate was only around 45mm thick sloped at 60 degrees which would make it inferior to the panther's front plate of 90mm sloped at 55 degrees.