am noob idk how to fix that
very cool, +1. You could have the detector wall not in the cooling tower, but as a section of pipe that leads water from the reactor to the cooling tower (like a real life powerplant turbine). Also, you could control the reaction with detectors, pressure valves and NEUT absorvers so that the deuterium doesn't explode, only heat up. this way, your reactor won't be a literal nuke and you won't even need to use WALL.
great and simple design but it explodes very easily, I recommend insulating the deturium chamber. +1
When the start reaction button is sparked during the reaction, the titanium melts and burns up the insl, dissipating heat into the ground.
Awesome. 1+ Perhaps insulate the reactor from the ground.
thanks for the advice cloudz! ;D
Very basic but good +1 you could add a cooling tower to make it more interesting