use heat display,.............. use heat display, (6)
a lot of fesh
i like it more in blob display
Kazuhira: unfortunately, if one attacked Coffee's art, the person would get instantly attacked by lots of people who think art is okay. Has anyone tried drawing art in MS Paint (or a similarily bad cross-platform editor) and sharing it outside TPT yet? It is just as good, but less annoying, doesn't cause drama and doesn't waste FP space.
Personally if people take the time to create art and people like it, I don't see the problem with the community liking it. I believe, if you allow me to quote R33sesK1ng, I, as a 'brain dead butthole' am all for art being on FP and has all the right to be viewed, shared and liked. Perhaps going on such a rant over the idea that people prefer art to other stuff is not the way to go about this.
perhaps its not an attack on the save, more an attack on the creator? I didnt see R33sesK1ng attacking coffee when they landed front page with art.
One out of every 7.53 billion people is Michael Angelo. Even in the United States (eaisest avalible data), only 0.641809291% of people are artists. Instead of using that R33sesK1ng's parrallel, I suggest we implement a system comparing saves to different grains of sand. It will be much more productive than comparing everything to one lone individual single person.
Very cool! I had no idea that pipe acted that way with different temps. congrats on th FP by the way!
R33sesK1ng you might need a snickers anyways...
I added the "fish" tag, now I regret it
you also ruined the comments