A better calculator has been made, which is faster, smaller and can add bigger numbers up to an answer of 63. Majority of the size is the adapter for the display, but the rest of the calculator is super compact, anyways Enjoy! :)
It's not really my place to ask but why do you keep republishing this if it doesn't work?
Also, a tiny nitpick, but using tpt.setfpscap(2) instead of tpt.setfpscap(9999) turns off fps capping entirely instead of capping at 9999.
lol, I'll try to fix this later or when I have time!
Ok lol I give up. Lesson to learn from this: get your timings right, kids.
LBPHacker: From what I can see that bug is because if A or B and the carry-in is signalled, the result for the first half adder propagates to the second half adder after the carry-in does, which means the XOR gate for the second half adder signals the output as if it was only the carry-in that was signalled, but as the AND gate for the second half adder uses NTCT it results in a signal sent to the carry-out (as it should) because it isn't as reliant on timing.
So as I was trying to fix it by delaying carry signals by 2 frames, I noticed that the full adders have a state in which they signal both the output and the carry, while only receiving two input signals which either means they're broken, or that I've got the wrong idea about the timing of their signals. I tried my best, your turn.
You've made the mistake of not propagating your carry properly before trying to extract an answer. Normally just giving the adders more time to figure things out would yield a result eventually, so you should be able to just extract it after a longer period of time than you currently do, but the adders are also no synchronised properly (i.e. the timing of the carry signals terrible) so not even that works.
7+1 = 14 ?? +1
Why is the keypad up to only 31 if it's 6-bit? Like what if I want to calculate 62 + 1?
I heard that it can run Crysis at 240 fps in 16k ultra settings, but can it run Doom?