Also, tell me if you want me to make something that doesn't include a lot of complex deco. I just feel like the community is bored of my current stuff, and I have used up my ideas.
King36C: Me from the future: I didn't know what memes were 6 months ago lol
Nexos : thats a m e m e with a kid saying stop bullying go check it out ;)
Pawulonik XGEM_Gaming ;)
King36C: This has nothing to do with bullying, though. You make it sound like I'm a bullied nub or something.
literally who are you
why is on fp
lIsTeN eVeRyOnE, wE hAvE aN aNnOuNcMeNt To MaKe... StOp BuLlyInG !!
I knew that Nexos seemed familiar