DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
i have a bomb that i nicknamed "defcon 1" which is just a fairly stong azure i made myself so funny to see more defcon types of things
Game shutdown.
Close it.
I attack Australia's east coast, progressing inland and taking whatever cities i come across. I mainly go for sydney and peth.
The game is slowing to a standstill, and players aren't too active anymore. Let's debate; should this be shut down to pave room for the next game?
DEFCON III is out. Go ahead and play it.
We implement those
Again, from fear, people rush to the defense dome. Silos for cruises in the dome are now the only thing left before total defense.
Canada has been a part for years; but some angry people retreated away to the useless lands of the extreme north.