DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
i put a colony in washington
AVeryBigNurd: i make myself known
NuttyMcNuttzz: no, I get Hawaii, Cuba
I finish colonizing my African territory and invade Northern and Southern Mexico. I also build 100 ships and invade Cuba
but we can create land?
AIs don't even know who you are
ialso build as many planes as i can
I request an AI nation to join me
I expand my mexican colony
Rules: Nations are now unable to repair annihalated lands. Cruise missiles are limited to 100. Research periods shorten. 2 cruise missiles are needed to destroy IRBMS and ICBMs. Yield increased.