DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
when is my research ready? because I want to get the improved trident asap.
I meant down, next to the nuclear winter thing.
Supercrafter: There already is one. The measurements show 0.05 sieverts.
I'm getting more damage and less cost, I want to get to the trident asap.
make a global radiation counter that affects everything.
12/3/20 - The Great Riots. Across all nuclear powers, a large riot takes place. To combat the large riots, the military had to resort to brutal measures. Every nation's corruption has increased.
Notice; everyone else can research 2 things also as I said a while back.
11/3/20 - NK gains a small research boost by creating things that invents things for them. They can research 2 things in the tech tree.
AVeryBigNurd: let's make a thing inventor inventor, that eats the thing inventor and makes a different thing inventor.
The CDC and WHO have declared pandemic alert. Hundreds of cases of a new radioactive pathogen have been detected in D.R. Congo.