DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
AVeryBigNurd: what can now be done?
I build ??? cruises.
-Ending defcon 5- -Entering defcon 4, "Double Take"-
In response to North Korea building 50 ICBMs, Japan builds ~??? cruise missiles.
Declare defcon 1 on North Korea.
bulid 30 factorys and 50 icbms.
15/1/20 - Japan takes Moscow. With it, Russia begins to collapse.
13/1/20 - Japan moves it's cruises to underground bunkers after a North Korean stealth bomber was sighted very near. 5 cruises were destroyed, but Japan has built 20 new ones.
I load it up in the plane.
I build a few irbms, and a stealth bomber.