DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
Okey, I'll do it from above then, with a stealth bomber.
13/1/20 - The remaining part of Russia joins North Korea's side.
You can't shoot cruises more then 100 miles away with simple ship guns.
12/2/20 - North Korea makes large underground factories. It's economic crisis is solved.
now shoot the 10 cruises with the guns.
I build a bunch of underground factorys.
12/1/20 - The ICBM Japan launched to North Korea has been destroyed by guns on ships. Japan improves it's economy further.
12/1/20 - Argentina has made global range ICBMs.
I'm raising my risk to medium.
shoot the nukes with the guns on the ship.