DEFENSE READINESS CONDITION, DEFCON is a scale to measure the threat of nuclear war. The scale counts down from 5 to 1, each with different names. What if, the scale was how long before major changes happened, and it was a game?
12/1/20 - Japan recieves the message. They state "It's only fair we fire a nuke on you for you doing it on us. We'll attack you, and if you fire a ICBM at our nuke, it will still damage you."
11/1/20 - North Korea fires a ICBM to Japan's missile bases. Japan fires a cruise to the ICBM and destroys it midair. Japan then strengthens economy and makes IRBMs and cruises.
I've sent a message to Japan.
you increase economy by making factories
target the cruise and load nuke into ship.
add a factory and a bunker status?
I launch my nuke into Japan's collection of nukes.
and a final line stating that if 5 more attacks are made, we'll make a lot of nukes and physically cut the land conquered by Japan.
how do I increase economy?
I send a threat message to Japan, stating that any additional attacks will be replicated.