It's simple enough, four cores, four control rods and three separate cooling cycles. Pressure is considered analogous to neutron flux here. CR=control rods PL=primary loop HE=heat exchanger WS=water supply TV=turbine valve.
same for you lampbulb
cadet no reason to get dicey here, dont say to others what you wouldnt want have said to you, you literally have a roblox avatar pfp
I have been using nasa's most powerful satelite for 30 years and I still can't find who asked
pretty stupid word for machine that splits atoms
stupid kids think that the reactors are called CHERNOBYL
Nobody: the tags: cHeRnObYl
Very good job.
Real quick question just since I love how you've turned one into three. Can you do me a favor? See that right side of the screen, yea the lonely one. Can we please fix that with 3-5 more reactors? If not thats ok. +1
neat! the pipe for reactor 2 is busted though
the most controllable/ easy to control reactor core i have ever used its so responsive to the control rods :)