An MBT produced by Yerro Ironworks of the USEAN Federation. Armed primarily with a 130mm main gun and two .50cal secondary machine guns. Its destructive power was unable to outweigh its slow speed, heavy weight, and mediocre armor.
Nice sabot design lmao totally not borrowed from me or anything
This isn't stolen as far as I can trace
i plan to make another one but currently i am trying to improve this design and add tracks
i made this and this is my first save because i just recently downloaded powdertoy.
paprikaprime: Maybe
pretty sure he didnt make this. Based on his name(which includes android) and that he has no other saves.
Too underrated. It can be given 0,8 points because of no "wheels" and tracks (maybe you should make them) but in other things this is great. But this game can't give me a chance to give 0,8 points so +1)