C A S E C L O S E D - UnePersonne is right, I think..
thats what I said. It's becase subframe.
Yah it might be particale order aka subframe
It do that because TPT render a frame from the left to the right, so the pressure will be updated first a the left of the singularity, wich explains why it will go left but with airblock wall and titanium, they block pressure so the singularity will not be affected and will not go to the left but will go down.
When its in titanium it goes down but stilll to the left
Perhaps, it generates pressure, and then vaccum that it pushes itself to the corner? Could be, but wh the left corner?
I just tested again and TTAN makes it go down and jump around because ttan blocks preasure
type "tpt.setdebug(0x8)" in console and press shift+f on a particle to see the subframe.