27th Jan 2020
27th Jan 2020
Updated: Added Air Intercooler, a air injection system anti-lag, and a BOV. I hope you enjoy this update!
wait what time zone im in australia
Comet1310: Sure I also have school but like sometime after 5:00pm central I'll be on!
yeah! u want me to help you build it? im not on much because i have school but i can try
Comet1310: ohh my bad I have jacob's mod thought isnt that the << button ?
oh nvm its in jacob's mod but nvm ill tell u tho its like tpt but multiple people can join and work on stuff together, it has a built in chat too.
Comet1310: Whats that?
hmmm ok but u are my main man. do u have tpt mp?
Comet1310: I have to be real with you chief, I don't know how to concieve an anti-lag system on a pixel simulator. But I will soon learn ... maybe in 2.2?
the antilag does not work
Pretty cool save! See if you can get the piston to move up and down...