The perfect circle from the latest TPT update. I think it is the coolest change.
i believe the pixel-size circle is much less of a circle than the 9-pixel one because it could be a triangle
Nunnhem: My goal wasn't to make a not ez save, but to just inform people.
ez downvote
There's an option in settings to use the old way. I prefer the old circles so use that mode. It barely makes a difference though, especially at large sizes.
How is this FP material at all?
I complained to Jacob1 about this but he said that people wanted it this way. Honestly I like the old ones better.
Actually, the bigger ones do look a little odd. Like they slope too far too soon. Could be just me
Ohhh, i see it. i don't like new circle xd
i don't really see any diffrance with an old version. idk my eyes are gea
The smaller old ones are not circles too, but I strongly disagree with you that the bigger ones look odd.