The Atlas-class is the oldest ship serving in the Galactic Defense Fleet, dating all the way back to the Gorg wars . Due to this, the ship does not have any modern classification. It is neither an escort nor a destroyer. Credit to foxenterteinment.
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Nevertheless, the ship has proven itself through the ages and is still used by most human factions to this date. It is still considered fast by today's standards and could face off a small fleet in groups of 5.
This ship was the first of it's kind to carry a frontal shield generator and FTL drive (which has been removed here, due to it's conversion to a fast-response/carrier escort ship.) Due to the absence of a FTL drive on modernised ships, It is mostly used as a patrol ship and rarely seen at the fronts.
Due to the absence of a major life support system, the lowered oxygen levels require crew members to carry oxygen masks in the case of a minor hull breach that drains a sector.
Another note: The ship is so simple it does not feature a major life-support system, the most of which is based in the Crew Quarters at the middle of the ship. Furthermore, it does not have a reactor of any kind, relying on battery charge to keep it's systems operational. Due to this, the main engines use a special method that allows it to convert thermal energy to generate energy while not in battle.
Additonal notes: The ship is so old, it still uses main thrusters to rotate and steer. Due to this, having a main thruster disabled or destroyer would with a 100% certainty spell doom for the ship. It uses smaller retro thrusters to rotate while having large Combat thrusters attached to the main thrusters that allows it to rotate quickly in battle. All of it's anti-ship weaponry is located at the bow, making rotation and movement a very important part of the ship for maximum effectiveness.