"Unpickable, untamperable." That was the claim.
He got the entire... what is it now? Not the members of the VSGE, but the same thing, execpt it's changed.
I love what Vampireax said to P person, it's so true. XD
That's like saying a sniper rifle is better than a crossbow because because.
better because because , as i thinked lol
It's better because it works better, it's more complicated, and it is immune to picking. ;D
...i think i found Vamp's logic :D : my lock is better because "because" lol
well then, gonna discontinue V7 lock to keep support V6 lock
you seem so confident
He did the same thing when i picked an older version with emp... all he could say was "emp is for loosers" lmao
lol! I love seeing some no-name user try to take on a legend like Vampireax. I read the dumb rules lol. you broke none. +1