Copy and place it where you want test it. More than maximum pressure in miliseconds. Almost no material can survive. I would like to know what do you think in comments ;)
Ok, I just founded another one that is bigger. I change the name. It was my inexperience in this game
Combined with GBMB is great too, indeed
If someone knows other ways to do better bombs, I would like to know :)
I've never seen a CRAY bomb with lightning, so it seems to me the most powerful. I've tried, BCLN with THDR and so on, but isn't enough. Thanks for your comments!
breaks through void +1
What about this? 2536833 much bigger, but wihout cheaty cray. It can get through anything that is meltable/burnable assuming it's in a sealed container and given enough time.
cray bombs are fun and look epic, but saying one is "the most powerful" does not really make sense as they are all inherently all-powerful
I applaud you sir
CRAY bombs are always fun to play with! +1