even dust on it will make it get disintigrated
survives temp 0 thing, try using lsns and sprk on tungsten, tungsten heats up very much, and lsns is sensor of anything with more than its temp of life, to detect of lower life than temp use tmp 2 on it with prop tool or console
it survives like very low amount of particles, brush size 1
Your goals are beyond my comprehension
supagama yeah i also found that 0-temperature particles dont destroy this
pretty awesome but not triggered by broken vibranium for some reason
Beatless123 so a while ago, SuperRyn made Bunkium (versions 1-4), indestructible materials that used CONV layers and VOID. I'm trying to make the opposite, trying to make things as explosive as possible. Yes, it's supposed to be a bomb.
a few stray neutrons can pass through without blowing it up