hey greendragon check out my account i upgraded ur ships and made them work
@ThatOneSTALKERboi ok so maybe there isn't that many colors, but its cool, and if he added more i feel like it would be over kill.
I rly want this as my PC background XD
holy cow GreenDragon is my new fav player XD
Updated the deco. Added +2 more ships.Reparation ship and Middle type defender ship.
vipmichalek: yea he made a save saying "thx" to me idk why and he deleted everything idk what i did
is it agaisnt the rules to create 2 more accounts to upvote this in case of accidental downvote?
nonononnononononnooooooo how do i unclick a vote button i accidental downvote
persistent display looks like the whole fleet going hyperdrive