@faggysauce. Here is the deco of the your save so far. All credit as always go to you. This is just a basic demonstration of what you can do with deco, and my skills pale in comparison to the true deco artists of TPT ID:2615025
Nice job with the terrain layering. One thing I would recommend is deco. Do you know how to use it?
OmgItzSMASHABLE: No But thx for offering but I try to use original assets
The ship could be alot more detailed, the terrain and oil mine part of this is really nice, btw if you want to you can use my ship i built a long time ago 2252196 "SS PT"
Looks much better, gives me a idea
a loot more trees [maybe make a tree that is conjoined with other trees then copy that so it looks better] Finaly, 3: The oil should be a bit bigger. Since it looks like a mine, maybe put a small wharehouse/storage area at the center, then on the top of the mont there will be a fraking tower that drills down and gets the oil