i bet im gonna see LoW EFfORt -1 just damm be kind ok stop it
I didnt attack but 1+
yes but like just saying low effort seems as a opinon as i put work into this stuff but you say i did not try it just gets anoying
xenogamer: My rating will never have anything to do with your other saves. The dam itself here looks low effort and that's why I commented, if you don't want criticism too bad you published it.
TurgidBanana: Constructive criticism isn't hate. Learn the difference.
somebody would probably say low effort if its unorganized or the shapes are sloppy and not lined up
i just wanna know who started low effort cause its really just a opinion i get what you are saying but emm ok just check out my flag saves and im gonna make some more stuff
If i could like this again i would
lol i have never seen somebody call another person's save 'ugly' just low effort or some advice to imrpove.
kapjr: stop with the hate plz
The dam itself looks pretty low effort so I recommend remaking it, trying to make it look more detailed etc.