Only a battery with 13.05.xx hours of making, debugging and testing. Free to copy and use, but as well credit me. Lol, pratice makes perfect(see my another battery rellated saves). I call it French Fry Batteries! It has a 6280 FPS Duration.
hMM, depends on the maximum size of the battery. Here it has 10 or 100 sprks inside it, i dunno [oliverstr]
How long does it last?
Note: The Spark counter, based in bits, use 2 sparks each, then this unity(the complete with 5 french fries), can store 26 sparks. [Everybody]
Thanks for alerting me! [1985 (the good P.E. Teacher)]
1a1a2 stole ur batteries! save id:2644541
Lol, you can use it freely, but credit me. [1985s]
Ok, now i learned how to work with this thing, +fav
There is a tutorial of how to manipulate the energy parts, Thanks! [1985s(Thx!)]
Well, i don't really know how it works, but it looks cool, very functional, alot of hard work and +1
Lol pratice makes perfect(go to a other save with battery tag on my account)