This Is Allowed Because It Doesn't Use Decorations Layer
It currently resides on FP, with it's loyal friends, the chicken meme, and the fireworks meme. Not to mention Saness...
I vote up saves I want to see more of, whether I like the level of effort, the content, or anything else. I downvote saves (rarely) based on if they seem low effort, low quality, or anything else. If you vote based only on effort, I respect that, but I am simply asking the "No aRt oN Fp!" people to leave the downvote they were going to anyway, and be on their merry way, instead of propogating the myth that art on fp is not allowed.
3point00: upVOTEs and downVOTES are votes. I personally find this save as being low effort, and yet I upvoted it since I like it. I don't make art, but I would imagine that tracing art would be a fairly simple task. And yes, my opinion does matter, as the nature of voting. I like saves with effort, so saying such would be redundant. But effort does not make quality, and quality does not make effort
Good job, good art, good show.
Damnit, is my still fp firework meme art?