Front page is given to a save based on people liking it. Clogging the fp implies that a save isn't worth the position it holds, whereas a less popular save in your opinion should. Saying that art should not be on FP is like saying that your voice is more important then others. If you don't like it, downvote. If you like it, upvote. If you feel it breaks a rule (art being on fp is not against the rules, the rules state art MAY be removed from FP by mods), then report it.
harrygamer: Yes they can, there are worse ones 90% of the time. Wait until the next Anime save pops up, and it will NEVER go down. xD
art saves cant be on the front page
*Breaks Feet* Better Call Saul
to harrygamer: it is, nothing has deco and there's different elements
Tymson_Gaming: *laughs in jumper cables
I love that show almost as much as breaking bad. This is better than both of those shows to the power of HBO's chernobyl. +1
better call saul and better not spark saul