The most realistic GBU-43/B M.O.A.B (Massive Ordinance Air Blast) I can make. All the info is in the save. My compound H6 explosives is free to copy with credit and permission (Ask me in the comments).
ok so: 1st layer is brmt surrounding tnt, fuse tip, snow dmg at bottem, rbdm&insl through middile. 2nd layer: tnt. 3rd tnt. 4th fuse. 5th c4. very neat design just im still trying to layer stuff like, not in single pixles
it is a very good bomb though +1
i was trying to do it and wondering why insl and rbdm loked the same, realized persitient display was on haha
ok so how does it work? i am going to take it apart on nothing display which i do a lot