3 / 0
16th Apr 2021
17th Apr 2021
This is the homeworld of the Colonial Expansion Program, it was the first planet colonised by the program... --------------------------------Date of Colonization: 2054/1/1 Sun Designation: K-795236 Planet: M-Class, Pathfinder
space mclass colony


  • Coolnic11
    17th Apr 2021
    james177: Also Im going to make another save to have a bunch of satellite idea's to see which is the best if you want to check it out once I finish it
  • Coolnic11
    17th Apr 2021
    james177: Ok, I will work on that although there are light's from some cities on the dark side of the planet, I'll see what I can do with the rest of the planet.
  • james177
    17th Apr 2021
    good save +1, although you can make the planet more detailed, add some cities and satellites orbiting
  • frostbyte242
    17th Apr 2021
    very very cool +1