After a oil rig spewed a mildly radioactive glowing substance instead of oil, the Albertans discovered this substance, called GLOW was useful for many things. Transitioning their economy towards this, they established many mines. This is one of them.
if you drill enough, some stone can melt and a massive pool of glow will appear on the surface +1
this save has prices: id:2736348
PowderedPotato: how do you know the tpt element prices
Updated! now has oil.
i like the story behind it
alberta person here to say that this is cool
also, i just found out that bizzare is the most expesnsive fluind in TPT
sorry about typos
and after removeing the glow from the glow tank (because if it is in a pipe i does not count in ctrl+f there are actually 59,470 credits of glow on this save
@PowderedPotato ah