After a oil rig spewed a mildly radioactive glowing substance instead of oil, the Albertans discovered this substance, called GLOW was useful for many things. Transitioning their economy towards this, they established many mines. This is one of them.
after painstakingly removing the glow from the tank and calculating,there are 13,740 credits of glow on the fusion plant save
question 1, ctrl+f while having glow selected, question 2, i can and will, i will post the cost on both here and the fusion plant.
@powderedPotato how did you count this, how about you calculate how much Admiralty Island Fusion Facility would cost
there are 48,470 credits of glow on this save based off this: id:2736348
a l b e r t a g a n g
Gary gang is good
@dubstepking This is incredibly popular for reasons beyond my control. Also how many Albertans are on TPT anyway?
As an Albertan, I approve
wow this works?
nice! this is great