The supermassive GenesisCORP oil refinery disater. The giant building exploded when the tallest coolant tower collapsed due to bad structural problems. It caused a chain reaction that destroyed the building.
also I finally did a hard map region work that took me 2 days. heres the id:2829570
cool factory
Well that's good!
it on fp again
Aw it's off FP.
Cool deco. 1+
Imagine that fire IRL, so powerful it creates a low pressure zone powerful enough to suck the clouds down into it, and is taller than skyscrapers.. That would be beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Emperor_of_Catkind: That's what I aim for in my saves.
I think we need Wasteland-style terrain while he is pretty inactive. +1
It was heavilly inspired by Wasteland's golab power plant.