3 / 0
16th Jul 2021
19th Jul 2021
A heavy breaching charge made of plastic to minimise shrapnel. The first in a series of explosives. All of them will have this ground and info. Also IEDs will have phones to detonate.


  • K101
    18th Jul 2021
    ok thank you
  • peacefrog
    18th Jul 2021
    It's an easy trick. Put effort into one thing a day, let's say make nice ground, then, next time you want that style you grab it out of your stamps and you use it! I have about 114 pages of stamps and since I have so many pre made models I can grab some, add in something new and bamb! A cool new save. The trick to good saves is just, make it interesting, make it a pleasure to look at, and make it simple for yourself.
  • K101
    18th Jul 2021
    I see your saves almost everyday and they are always good. How do you make such good saves everyday?