god i would like to help u blow up vooperia.. *hehehehhehehe*
What. well, I know who's cities to melt next! >:)
an idea what you cann use the captured people for: a Computer whit Fantasy.
you can kapture them.but No kiling If Not absulutely necessary please.one more queston. have you considert the Empire ofer for Technologie Transfer?
my autocorect is glitched.
ok then, btw why do you write like that
oh and If you Need information over vooperias fleet strenkth,i kann give you Position and forte of every of they'r schips.
If there is more manslugther the knarock Empire will interfer. the Vicepresident (me)and the President don't like death and Destruktion. Its a waste of resurses.
please create a legit version of the destruction. Get a stronk proton bomb if you can please