22 / 8
9th Nov 2021
10th Nov 2021
not gonna even bother making the moons


  • Smil3rz
    7th Apr 2023
    Uranus is rather blue, i recommend you see a doctor
  • SamDwich
    15th Feb 2023
    naming this ice giant as 'uranus' instead of 'caelus' was the biggest mistake in astronomy history
  • dolphinman42
    11th Nov 2021
    but you admit it is art then
  • superbantom
    11th Nov 2021
    dolphinman42 yes, art is sometimes stupid, that art is bad and so is this, i like art of alien worlds, or intrensting things. not random lines that apparently have meaning like this.
  • dolphinman42
    11th Nov 2021
    superbantom: so what you are saying is that a few streaks of paint on a canvas isnt art? then why is there that kind of art in freaking museums?
  • superbantom
    11th Nov 2021
    dolphinman42 it is not, is is a shaded circle with some liens on it, IT IS NOT ART
  • dolphinman42
    11th Nov 2021
    listen, I think there is one thing to agree on, the art is nice and isn't hurting anybody
  • Floofy
    11th Nov 2021
    art should be rather promoted, people are just jealous that they can't make lovely masterpieces like this.
  • Phoenix2k10
    11th Nov 2021
    SamDwich: in case you are stoopid and didn't get my comment right, an idiot in respect to the fact you think I said art is bannable, which I never said, I was talking about how the rules said they'd demote art from the front page.
  • Techno_YT
    10th Nov 2021
    10/10 nice shading