Laser Shotgun, Charge the battery by sparking the negative (Dark Red on right) side. Then insert into the slot in the gun in the same position. Then spark the trigger to shoot. If battery runs out of charge just recharge it.
And if you don't want to use the ammo/battery just stick some btry on the positive end. (Unlimited shooting)
Ctrl C and Crtl V. When pasting you can use the arrow keys to move it before you paste. The grids don't match cuz the battery is a separate creation and the gun is a another creation modified to fit the battery.
havent seen a laser like this before +1
um how do i change the grid so it snaps to the battery? (i know that G changes it but i dont understand how to SNAP it to the battery)
but it is hard to put the battery in the slot because of the grid or something
pretty cool though
this is a war crime
Pls add the ammo in the first place plssss i dont wanna manually do it plssss
pretty cool! +1