3 / 2
2nd Jan 2022
2nd Jan 2022
With small freighting capabilities, this is a relatively small carrier because of how little the designers actually cared about their ship design. Also my excuse for limited control is the console being "corrupt". More explanation in a comment.


  • Phoenix2k10
    5th Jan 2022
    Thanks for the suggestion, might consider it.
  • iAlex22
    4th Jan 2022
    oooooh now i see why there is void
  • iAlex22
    4th Jan 2022
    other than that its pretty cool so +1
  • iAlex22
    4th Jan 2022
    you should use some frme for the plsm cannon, since using it repeatedly melts it. using void as the ship hull is also... a weird choice but i guess its so the ship doesnt melt
  • Phoenix2k10
    2nd Jan 2022
    And the fighters are actually NEXT to the runway rather than on it, they are on an elaborate piston system that pushes them to or away from the runway, with about 12 fighters allowed on at maximum with a hanger door on both sides of the ship that make the fighters come out. Also I forgot to get rid of that ball of quartz I made to test out the ship's main cannon lol, and I didn't ever even test out the cannon.
  • Phoenix2k10
    2nd Jan 2022
    The white lines on the console are the ship's line of site, all though there aren't any windows, there are thousands of microscopic cameras that are spaced out so you cant see them or damage them that are all recording live video feed, 8k resolution and about 120 frames per second which in all takes up about 2711.71875 terrabytes per second.