it can survive AMTR, DEST, and (not much but like 3 pixels) SING
my bomb breaks it 3071615, remove cray for being within rules
Have ypu tried to add some tmp to QRTZ? I think it would be more solid)
Jakav: updated the save, i got that material a while ago and didnt check who made it, bc at the time i didnt have intent of using it for anything. thx for telling me who made it tho, have credit (:
That outer layer looks very familiar. Could you give credit to KyYay or whoever made it?
i would break it but it uses whitehole and void
uhm does not look like it but if u want a challange dont use dest bomb cray dray sing amtr virs proton bomb that just shoots through, and probably LIGH that just shoots through
are there any rules
and it does not use bomb sing amtr or anything like that
my bomb makes it, but takes 2 minutes id:2904112, decent for not using hyper materials tho +1
wow that is acualy unbreakable