the description that knarock was independent yet occupied is surprisingly close to the reality. knarock was independent,but it was under strikes complete control, although without being occupied by any strike forces.
Now is the time to tighten some ends,
I will exchange service with trading nanotech, lotta stimulus packs, and millitary. Optionally, you could just send a few elite assasins.
Hey LeadermanRHTS, wanna help with subjugating some commies? id:2908185
Ilovegam3z: I think he's ttakeing a break
also i own most of the Runinian Galaxy.
honestly leaderman is getting a bit unrealistic.
[Vobaria/Nolaria left the war leaderman update it]
finally I'm free! knarock will end it's side of this useless war,and draw back all troops. we will kompensate ioton whit 10000000 rubidian credits, aswell as robots to help rebuilding,ships and technologies to undo the more drastic damages,and special equipment to use the leftovers of the dead iotons who where frozen to death(60%of the war casualties) back whit robotic bodys.