War not present. I had to end this costly war. I refuse to have my people killed by the darkness and death of than damn Imperial Mask.
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I want to say something. we won't get anywhere whit this war whitout some watching over that it's realistic and accurate. so I suggest each one of us makes a suggestion for such a person,and if we cann agree on one person and the person agrees to doing it it will then supervise this war.
thanks for giving me more energy! Theland yu hit ws a aser energy collector
ive technically left the war and this is not correct and extremely byist.
i want to know how this works at all.we are talking about interstellar nations,how could they be acuratly displayed on a planetary map.im not saying it isnt cool,but still.
I want to know why the bovines are on here even though they are part of the boviniverse
stop, thats it, im making a version myself.
activate Project Subjugate. This Operation has activated the Apostle and Templar Mech Suits, good luck as they burn yo peeps
shut the f#(k up, the rebels are the one affected by the Machine Virus, they are helping us now.
and also awake the nanotech reserves to regain my land and drown the enemy