press "h" to exit the typing program. programs: 0:hault, 1:input, 2:restart, 3:clearScreen, 4-6:print,7:???
RaconTPT: Yeah, I knew that much lol
yes, but it is a working key.
RaconTPT: Haha xD, is this a joke or am I interpreting this wrong?
update: added an "any" key
You can see how slow it really is by running file 1 or 3. The pauses in file 3 are the for loop looping.
Basicly its cos "print(char)" is 1 instruction. It doesn't need to waste 2 extra frames finding and then reading the charactor value.
RaconTPT: ok, how can your computer still run smoothly while it uses subframe and the size is too small.
Zero5556: I'll try but could you be more specific?
I'll probably have to make a more detailed take it appart at some point.
I looked your 0xmin1 computer a few months ago and i still don't understand how it works, would you giving me a few words about this ?