used for rcs it heats up liqiud that turns into gas but in game there is no liqiud boyl so there is boyl heated by tungenstein
yes ctss
this is actually a nuclear thermal rocket
it uses heat of reactor to work i may add something like preheater
maybe use VENT and Vaccum to pump the fuel or just pipe
for realism go to simulation options and change ambient heat to 0 because there is no such thing as actual space instead there is a "atmosphere" and ambient heat so actualy it will just cool spaceship unlike real space that will dont do anything but ship will cool down because of thermal radioation
1 this core was just energy generator from clone solar panel and photons after titanium is cooled and isolated 3 this is type of engine that heats up gas or fluid and does thrust by its expansion
yet another answer, electric powered rockets are called "resistojets"
Also TTAN casing is kinda dangerous to use in a reactor core, as pressure buildup doesnt have anywhere to go and accumulates, and by the way thats how bombs work :)
Take the central core in id:2882434 as an example, detectors that check if temp is too high or too low, and activate PUMP to react. kinda similar to control rods in a way
i will do something easier and more destructible 1 change ln2 coolers to radiators 2 make boyl tank to disable enable engine and 3 add amogus