Also, Ivala is not stable. It is in an unstable Inderatsin orbit. (Inderatsi=supermassive black hole) So if you were to point a scope on Darstan (the closest to black hole at this time) at Inderatsi, you might see it growing bigger and smaller.
finally another person that likes making fictional worlds
I wondered where Eritala was, there was no debris field of a destroyed planet, or any radiation trail of a moved planet, until I went to visit Nat'vist for a while AND SAW ERITALA THERE. I put 2 and 2 together, the passing by of Nat'vist in the Inner System, and the fact Eritala seemed to be visibly moved by the passing of the dwarf. Natvist stole Eritala apparently.
Actually, the planets' gravity in aggregate is strong enough to pull Nat'vist closer to Ivala, causing Nat'vist to swing by close to Ivala, and that causes the stealing of other planets.
In games you can say that anything is possible. I don't care if science says you can't have a binary system whose stars are this far away, it just happens.