Hey ! Here is my first save. Alternatively, in this save you can destroy GOLD and PTNM with ACID. For this, you trigger TTAN. It's probably a bug. But it's fun.
TheCombustionChamber Yes. I know. I put TTAN so that I don't have to click directly on GOLD. It's a habit I've picked up. I already figured out this bug before posting this savegame, but I like it. So I posted it for my first online save. P.S: Sorry if my english is bad, I'm only in college.
You don't need TTAN, it's just SPRK getting 'dissolved'.
A little clarification on my part. You have to keep pressing TTAN with SPRK for several seconds for the effects of the potential bug to be visible. Otherwise, someone would be how one modifies a backup, or its description?