Carrying several crews, weapons and shields, Transati'ave (Transi's Ark) is one of the best ships we have.
PROT shielding is better at the front now but there are still holes. Flood-fill the area outside the ship with PROT, and you'll see where the weak points are
it's also a save promoting hate toward me and rquarx, which if I remember correctly is against the rules
it's a pity plea from a ten year old. ignore it.
EvonNoryoziki: why the id I don't know what it is but I'm gonna look
some things may be improbable,but generally speaking this is nice
shielding isn't the only thing that needs to be improved, trust me
Fix your shielding. This can literally be taken out by ONE stray proton in the wrong place (spawn a patch of PROT in front of it, you'll see what i mean)