11 / 1
22nd Dec 2022
16th Apr 2023
this took me a few weeks to make but here is the most compact tic tac toe game.
quadrangler tpt compactcircuit noughts game crosses tac tic ticktacktoe quad1


  • QuadRangler
    12th Apr 2023
    @erictom333 i had to cut corners to compact it and besides it doesnt matter if your playing against a person because a person is going to know not to go in a taken square and if they won or not
  • erictom333
    12th Apr 2023
    It doesn't check if a square is already occupied before making a move, so it's possible to have both X and O in the same square. Also it doesn't detect if anyone wins.
  • Weakwill
    12th Apr 2023
    idk why all the hate:( this is so cool
  • BluBubblz
    14th Jan 2023
    DoggoTheKing: id, please? It's not on fp.
  • AverageOhioCitizen
    13th Jan 2023
    A bit broken, but nice +1
  • Svetlec
    13th Jan 2023
    BluBubblz thats already made its on fp
  • BluBubblz
    3rd Jan 2023
    Simple yet cool. This would be pretty challenging, but I think you could make an AI that never loses. Tic-tac-toe is a solved game, so as long as both players know the strategy (it's simple) then neither will ever win or lose. +1