more of a storage unit than a computer tho +1
PoissonXP: springtrap moment.
Furry_02: YOU SUCK ! this is a COMPUTER it calculate LIKE A COMPUTER so shut your fatherless mouth and respect others save
Furry_02: compute is something that wiki does not talk about sadly is compute also is the ALU math stuff add sub div mux sqr
can you try switching to filt at some point
BlueLobsterTPT: He probably means an opcode register.
yeah trying to make the 8bit pc good alu a Mem cart for the ALU better ROM and 3x 7segment display adder and subtraction, binary to display code decoder and a new decoder 0-F
what in the fu is a Functional Register
Pretty cool, definitely needs some expansion. Took a bit of trial and error to figure out the control but got it working. Adding maybe a function registar would be pretty good, being able to multiply or divide would be a large improvement. Maybe double the displays. Very good concept +1.