74 / 5
17th Feb 2023
18th Feb 2023
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nuclear reactor plut efficient energy


  • merlin538
    4th May 2024
    that is SO COOL!
  • youpro
    16th Nov 2023
    @ThingamabobOverseer LOL
  • ThingamabobOverseer
    28th Oct 2023
    Does the moderator rod ban you if you post neutrons in general chat?
  • username90000
    16th Sep 2023
    make ceramic rod with tmp 1 titanium pixels in it and put boyl and water or oil and water for pressure
  • tptQuantification
    5th Mar 2023
    @username90000 maybe if i figured out a way to isolate the pressure between the moderator and the fuel rod, without blocking too much of the neutrons, and reduced the size of an individual fuel rod, or add more neutron absorbing material, so covering them in a reflector wont cause completely uncontrolled supercriticality
  • tptQuantification
    5th Mar 2023
    @username90000 It's a little difficult to make a very hot reactor with that design, It tends to overheat because steam is a neutron reflector, and when the watr turns into wtrv, it0 increases the pressure significantly right next to the fuel rods, increasing the temperature, until the gold melts, where the lava does the same thing, reflecting neutrons and producing pressure. It certainly can work but its very hard to get much heat generation and have it be controlled.
  • tptQuantification
    5th Mar 2023
    @boxcarz Yep! it has some weird effects, it doesnt slow down neut all that much if its a solid block, it seems like the moderation is more up to edge interactions. And the CRMC has to be a top layer. I actually label things in ID:2982742
  • username90000
    22nd Feb 2023
    try use water to decelerate without dcel
  • boxcarz
    22nd Feb 2023
    D'oh! Nevermind, I just found the layered DCEL.
  • boxcarz
    22nd Feb 2023
    How did you get the CRMC to slow neutrons? I'm trying to create a slightly different design, but the neutrons just go right through any of the CRMC I place at full speed. LIFE and TMP don't look any different, so what's the secret sauce?