I were recently experimenting with unmeltable polonium and its quite fun. Try deleting the TSNS for meltdown!
this is underated the start up looks so cool
if you put ptnm instead of brmt for the batteries it will stay stable untill a battery is removed at that point, the wires will melt and the core will melt.
this thing melting is the single most satisfying thing on earth.
enable ambient heat for everything except the reactor to instantly melt
the reactor is able to be shut down during a meltdown reaction via gravitational force
elements.property(182,"HighTemperature",9999) - For anyone who is too lazy to type it
when i melted it down the neut stopped for a bit after the outer parts melted, prior to it releasing more neut and everything exploding
also to stop the melting of the reactor when you fill a side with neut open up a side then put gravitons at that side
polonium is literally realistic uranium you dont have to do that
I destroyed the reactor by setting the POLO temp to 100000000000000000000