it takes effort on my part to read and interperet data in binary that isnt aligned with the digits in hex, so im trying to keep things in nice nibble sized peices
@RaconTPT totally a good suggestion though, I was doing that until i thought to do an equality checker, accumulator=A and Accumulator=B
I might itterate on this, scrap everything but the logic unit between the demux and mux, and fit in an improved decrimenter, incrementer, and 2's compliment based on @jerehmia's suggestions, as well as impliment my slightly smaller and faster 29 bit adder
(stick it all together as in make a computer from this alu)
@racoontpt this takes the whole 16 allocated opcodes that the mux has available, but i think in the future when i stick it all together ill have room on the opcode to be able to do more
btw `nop` == command that doesn't do anything
If you have spair instructions, you can keep them for later mods. Personally I think it's nice to have multiple `nop` opcodes.
Putting flags into a register is always a good idea because it makes it easier to store, load and manipulate the cpu state.
to talk about architecture
I suppose i should make a new save, titled "WIP CPU" (no one could ever search for that without tags) or "CONTROL UNIT"